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Orbital is a command-line interface (CLI) framework used to build scalable command-line programs. Orbital is designed to run on Node.JS, and uses TypeScript for type checking and metadata reflection. Orbital projects work best when used in conjunction with NPM, and are distributed as NPM packages.


When we began contributing to the Nest CLI project, we found that the framework that was initially used was confusing and non-standard. Upon analyzing other CLI projects, we found that many of them also did not have standards, and were using strange combinations of some of the existing frameworks.

We created Orbital to be the most feature-rich and standardized, yet beautifully simple CLI framework currently available. Out of the box, we've designed Orbital to be the best solution to building your next CLI project.


  • Built with TypeScript for static type-checking
  • Run-time type checks and parameter casting
  • Run-time validation
  • Performance-optimized "production mode"
  • Angular-based dependency injection
  • Beautiful help generation


Start a project with TypeScript:

git clone your-project-name
cd your-project-name
npm install
npm start

Start a new project from scratch with NPM:

npm install --save @orbital/core


Orbital was created by Wilson Hobbs and Ange Picard in 2018.
